Thomas C. Oden
Libyan Lecture Series I
A Libyan History Awaiting Discovery

W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectureship at the Dallas Theological Seminary in Spring 2009
Thomas Oden explores historical Christianity by means of understanding the ancient culture and historical underpinnings of the people of Libya.
More from the Libyan Lecture Series:
Other works from Oden

A reassessment of the early church tradition that connects New Testament evidence with African sources, resulting in a fresh perspective on the Gospel of Mark and its African memory.

An essential work for anyone interested in the historical and theological foundations of Christianity that details Africa's decisive influence on Christian culture from its humble beginnings. An important recovery of Christianity's history as a world religion and not just a western phenomenon.

A collection of Christian meditations designed to bring the reader out of the framework of measured time and closer to the eternal quality of the divine. A spiritual pilgrimage into a life of meditative prayer.

A reassessment of the early church tradition that connects New Testament evidence with African sources, resulting in a fresh perspective on the Gospel of Mark and its African memory.