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historical timeline

of the African Provinces

600 - 699 C.E.
700 - 799 C.E.
800 - 899 C.E.
900 - 999 C.E.
Ghanaian empire most important power in West Africa.
Monasteries in Alexandria identified by milestones on the way to Mareotis, Pempton (fifth mile), Ennaton (ninth mile), Dekaton (tenth Oktokaidekaton (eighteenth mile) Eikoston (twentieth); Monastery of St. Jeremiah at Saqqara; Apophthegmata Patrum (Sayings of the Desert Fathers) compiled at Wadi al-Natrunl Ghanaian empire most important power in West Africa.
Death of Eugenius, bishop of Carthage.
Severus (d. 465) consecrated bishop of Antioch (512-538), author of numerous Homilies and Letters; he was the exegetical and theological leader of non-Chalcedonians of Egypt.
Fulgentius (Fulgence), bishop of Ruspe (467-532) writes his Letters, The Rule of Faith, Synodal Letter of Fulgence of Ruspe and Other African Bishops, to John and Venerius, answers semi-Pelagian views.
Dioscorus II Coptic patriarch of Alexandria.
Timothy III Coptic patriarch of Alexandria.
Anti-Chalcedonian Julian of Halicarnassus is exiled to Egypt.
Bishop Severus of Antioch has lengthy exile to Sakha, Egypt; he teaches in non-Chalcedonian monasteries in Egypt.
End of Acacian Schism and acceptance of Chalcedon in East, excepting "monophysites" who are still persecuted in Egypt and throughout North Africa; official shunning of Coptic. language and intellectual tradition by Byzantines.
End of Acacian Schism and acceptance of Chalcedon in East, excepting "monophysites" who are still persecuted in Egypt and throughout North Africa.
Ferrandus, a disciple of Fulgentius, is deacon of the church of Carthage.
Vandal king Thrasamund dies.
Era of Justinian the Great, Byzantine emperor, Code of Justinian; Imperial laws
Benedict of Nursia (480-547) founds monasteries on Pachomian lines of discipline at Montecassino and Subiaco in the Italian Aniene valley, continuing many patterns of African.monasticism through the Benedictine rule.
Death of Vandal king Hilderic.
Death of Fulgentius of Ruspe.
Byzantine General Belisarius uproots Vandals from North Africa and reconquers Egypt, restoring the empire almost to its former dimensions from Mauretania to Armenia, building many fortresses and basilicas in Africa; now Byzantine forms of Christian architecture appear throughout North Africa.
Death of Vandal king Gelimer.
Anti-Chalcedonian Theodosius I, patriarch of Alexandria, author of Homilies.
Justinian establishes Chalcedonian episcopal hierarchy in Alexandria until rise of Islam; built Angelion Church in Serapium area (destroyed in tenth century), but patriarch remained largely physically removed from Alexandria in perpetual exile.
Chalcedonian patriarch Paul Tabennesiota, succeeded by Zoilus in 540, Apollinaris in 551, and John in 570.
Three Christian Kingdoms now lie south of Egypt: Nobatia (cap. Faras), Makuria (Dongola), Alwa (Soba.)
Edict against Origenism
Three Chapters controversy enflames conflicts between Copts and other Orthodox Christians.
Justinian condemns the Three Chapters; first move to reconciliation with Monophysites.
Construction of St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai.
c. 550
Cassiodorus founds the monastery, Vivarium, in Calabria in southern Italy, with scriptorium out of which many texts originally written in Africa became first known to Europeans and accessible to pre-medieval monastic libraries, conveying the fourth century African intellectual tradition to sixth century Europe for the first time.
c. 550
Cassiodorus founds the monastery Vivarium in Calabria in southern Italy, with scriptorium out of which many texts originally written in Africa became first known to Europeans and accessible to pre-medieval monastic libraries, conveying the fourth century African intellectual tradition to sixth century Europe for the first time.
Death of Verecundus of Iunca in Byzacena.
Fifth ecumenical council, Second " Council of Constantinople; Condemnation of Three Chapters.
Primasius, bishop of Hadrumetum, author of Commentary on the Apocalypse and Letters.
c. 563
Columba's (c. 521-597) mission to Iona begins bringing African penitential discipline to Scots.
c. 563
Columba's (c. 521-597) mission to lona begins bringing African penitential discipline to Scots.
Non-Chalcedonian Paul of Antioch as patriarch of Alexandria.
Philosopher John Philoponos attempts Aristotelian interpretation of Trinity, resisted by most Copts.
Peter IV patriarch of Alexandria; over 600 Coptic monasteries flourish in Egypt.
c. 570-649
John Climacus of Sinai.
Chalcedonians send mission to the Kingdom of Makurrah.
Damian, patriarch of Alexandria, author of Synodicon defends counter-Chalcedonian Christology.
Peripatetic ascetic John Moschus accompanied by with Sophronius (550-638) in Alexandria and Sinai, writes Pratum spirituale, Life of John the Almsgiver; Christmas Sermon; he is elected patriarch of Jerusalem (634-638); his Synodical Letter counters monophysite teaching in Egypt and Palestine.
Columbanus (545-615) from Ireland to Gaul, founds monastery of Luxeuil, bringing African orthodox penitential tradition in a great circle back to Europe from Ireland to serve Europe's early medieval formation.
Pope Gregory the Great (540-604) brings Augustinian theology to normative status in the west; inaugurates mission to England.
Heraclius the elder, leading general of the Emperor Maurice, becomes exarch of Carthage; he is the father of Byzantine Emperor Heraclius the younger.
Birth of Samuel, who headed Monastery Dair Anba Samuel at al-Qalamun in western Egyptian desert
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