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historical timeline
of the African Provinces
200 | Tertullian, The Demurrer against the Heretics, (De Praescriptione haereticorum.) | |
c. 200 | Birth of Cyprian in Carthage. | |
200's | Third century Alexandrian Gnostic writings: Apocalypse of Peter; Letter of Peter to Philip; Gospel of Mary; Bala'izah Gnostic fragments at monastic library at Bala'izah. | |
200's | Third century Sethian Gnostic writings: Hypostasis of the Archons, Gospel of the Egyptians, Three Steles of Seth, Zostrianos, Melchizedek, Thought of Norea, Allogenes (these either from Alexandria or Syria). Seth is a central figure (mythological) in the Nag Hammadi texts. | |
200's | Third century non-Gnostic literature of Egyptian provenance: Apocalypse of Elijah (Upper Egypt), Gospel of Bartholomew, Gospel of the Savior, Exhortation to the Greeks. | |
200-206 | Tertullian, On Prayer, On Patience (De patientia), On Baptism (De baptismo), On the Apparel of Women (De cultu feminarum), To My Wife (Ad uxorem), Against the Jews (Adversus Iudaeos) Against Hermogenes (Adversus Hermogenem.) | |
202 | Leonidas- Origen's father; he was martyred in Alexandria during the persecution of Septimius Severus; Origen escapes as a teenage orphan. Condemned to death by the Egyptian prefect Lactus, he was beheaded, and his property seized. | |
202 | Clement leaves Alexandria for Palestine during Severan persecutions | |
202 | Septimius Severus: First African Emperor. Professed by Eusebius that he was the responsible one for the persecution of Christians. However, the opposite is said by that of Tertullian, who explains that Septimius Severus actually is quite civil with Christians to the extent that one of his personal physicians is one. Regardless, it is at least agreed upon that Eusebius told such things due to a large amount of persecutions occurring during his reign of 191 AD-211 AD. | |
202-203 | Account of Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas. | |
202-203 | African-born Emperor Septimius Severus pays state visit to Carthage and initiates vast building program at Lepcis Magna in Libya as fortified city. | |
202-203 | Persecution of burgeoning Christianity in Africa and Egypt under Septimius Severus--- Eusebius reports "countless numbers" wreathed with crowns of martyrdom, escorted to the arena "from Egypt and the whole Thebais" (from Nile delta as far south as Syene); Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas at Carthage and Victorius of Tabarka. | |
202-231 | Ammonius Saccas - Mainly known for his summary of the Ammonian sections, that are more commonly known today as the Eusebian Canons. On the word of Eusebius, it has been found that Ammonius created The Harmony of Moses and Jesus. | |
202-231 | Origen trained in Greek Literature and Philosophy under Ammonius Saccas | |
203-204 | Tertullian, Repentance (De paenitentia.) | |
204 | Tertullian, On Ecstasy (De ecstasi), On the Hope of the Faithful (De spe fidelium), On Paradise (De paradiso.) | |
205 | Birth of Plotinus, Egyptian philosopher. | |
c. 206 | Tertullian, The Veiling of Virgins (De virginibus velandis.) | |
206-212 | The "semi-Montanist period" of Tertullian's writing. | |
207-208 | Tertullian writes the second edition of Adversus Marcionem, containing books I - III. | |
208-212 | Caracalla grants Roman citizenship to all free residents of the empire, legal recognition nominally granted to Jews and Christians for the first time. | |
208-212 | Solar eclipse of 14th August; Tertullian writes Ad Scapulam. | |
208-212 | Tertullian writes The Soul (De anima), The Flesh of Christ (De carne Christi), The Resurrection of the Dead (De resurrectione mortuorum), An Exhortation to Chastity, Against Marcion (Adversus Marcionem), books IV-V, 3rd edition, De pallio, Adversus Valentinianos, De censu animae adversus Hermogenem, De fato, Adversus Apelleiacos. | |
211 | Death of Septimius Severus; accession of his son Caracalla, Emperor, 211-217, continuing the African-based Severian dynasty; first long peace. | |
211 | Tertullian writes The Crown (De corona) and Idolatry (De idololatria.) | |
211-213 | Tertullian, Antidote Against the Scorpion. (Scorpiace.) | |
212 | Caracalla, otherwise known as the 22nd emperor of Rome, Antoninus Augustus. Widely recognized for the Edict of Caracalla of 212, which enabled for the first time all free people within Rome citizenship. Even some Christians and Jews alike were allotted these rights. Thought to be done for the benefit of the city's revenue to increase military might. | |
c. 212 | Origen Visits Rome. | |
213 | After the breakdown of relations with the 'Psychici', Tertullian writes On Flight (De fuga), Against Praxean (Adversus Praxean), Monogamy (De monogamia) and On Fasting (De ieiunio.) | |
215 | Caracalla fearing revolt in Egypt, orders massacre of Alexandria | |
215 | Birth of Mani (215-276), founder of Manichaeism. | |
216 | Origen visits Palestine. | |
217 | Murder of Caracalla; Macrinus, a Moor (Mauritania in North Africa), becomes emperor. | |
217 | Tertullian and Hippolytus and Roman bishop, are involved in a controversy on Church discipline. | |
217-222 | Callistus I, bishop of Rome. | |
217-222 | Death of Clement of Alexandria | |
218 | Tertullian embraces some aspects of Montanism. | |
220 | Tertullian writes On Modesty (De pudicitia.) | |
c. 220 | Tertullian coined terms Trinity and New Testament: cites African Latin Bible translation, earliest in Latin. | |
220-229 | Flourishing of Alexandrian School under Origen, Heraclas, and Demetrius; Origen's first period of literacy activity in Alexandria: Commentary on John. | |
222-235 | Reign of Alexander Severus, Roman Emperor, halted Christian persecutions, offering religious tolerance | |
222-300 | Neo-Platonism develops in Alexandria | |
c. 230 | Origen writes: Hexapla and First Principles | |
231 | Bishop Demetrius of Alexandria deposes Origen from the priesthood; brings Catechetical school more under episcopal supervision. | |
231 | Origen invited to Greece, teaches, writes and preaches in church as a simple presbyter. | |
231 | Origen moves from Alexandria to Caesarea in Palestine where he completes his work Hexapla, as well as homilies and biblical commentaries, which make frequent use of Jewish Midrashim exegisis; Gregory Thamaturgus describes his method of teaching; many church leaders emerge from Origen's teaching; neither Origen nor Plotinus changed teaching when they left Alexandria. | |
231 | Origen succeeded by Heraclas as head of the catechetical school at Alexandria. | |
c. 231 | Plotinus (founder of Neo-Platonism) begins his studies for eleven years in Alexandria with Ammonius Saccas. | |
232 | Bishop Demetrius dies; Heraclas is consecrated bishop of Alexandria and is succeeded in the catechetical school by Dionysius. | |
232 | Origen visits Julia Avita Mamaea | |
232 | Origen writes Commentaries on Genesis | |
235 | Origen writes Exhortation to Martyrdom | |
c. 243 | Plotinus moves his school of textual analysis of Platonists from Alexandria to Rome | |
247 | Death of Heraclas | |
247 | In Hermopolis Magna in Egypt, a Greek temple was converted into a church; bishop Conon received letter from bishop Dionysius allowing lapsed to be readmitted. | |
247-264 | Dionysius, new bishop of Alexandria, brings theological teaching to village level in Arsinoite villages. | |
248 | Cyprian becomes bishop of his native city, Carthage. | |
248 | Cyprian becomes bishop of his native city, Carthage. | |
249 | Beginning of Christian persecutions under Emperor Decius (249-51), who issued a general edict ordering Roman citizens to participate in a formal civic confession; tempting many Christians to lapse into idolatry. | |
249 | Beginning of Christian persecutions under Emperor Decius, who issued a general edict ordering Roman citizens to participate in a formal civic confession, supplicatio, tempting many to lapse into idolatry. | |
249 | Persecution makes the problem of penitence acute; Cyprian's practice: before receiving laying on of hands and being readmitted to the Eucharist, those who have lapsed must make public confession of their fault and submit to a suitable act of penitence. | |
249-251 | 3,600 Martyrs of Isna (otherwise known as Esna which runs closely to the nile), Upper Egypt. | |
250 | Letters of Porphyry; Gnostic Gospel of Pistis Sophia. | |
250 | Growing controversy between Carthage and Rome over the treatment of returning lapsed Christians; Novatian dissident deacon Felicisimus of Carthage opposes Cyprian. | |
250 | Origen arrested and tortured. | |
c. 250 | Origen writes Contra Celsum, Didascalia. | |
250s | Rome steps up persecution of Christians, martyrs revered as saints who share Christ's suffering. | |
251 | Birth of Anthony the Great | |
251 | Council of Carthage called by Cyprian on question of the lapsed; he writes On the Lapsed (de lapsis.) | |
251 | Persecution of Valerian. | |
251-252 | Cyprian writes The Unity of the Catholic Church: Against the Novationists (De Unitate Ecclesiae Catholicae), The Lord's Prayer, and To Demetrian. | |
251-253 | Cornelius I writes his Letters. | |
253 | Cyprian writes Works and Almsgiving. | |
254-257 | Baptismal controversy, Carthage (Cyprian) and Rome (Stephen I.) | |
255-256 | Councils of Carthage on the rebaptism of heretics. | |
255-256 | Fermilian of Caesarea writes Letter to Cyprian of Carthage. | |
256 | Acts of the Seventh Council of Carthage, Cyprian presiding. | |
256-258 | Anonymous Treatise on Re-Baptism is written. | |
256-258 | Cyprian writes The Advantage of Patience; To Donatus; The Dress of Virgins; That Idols Are Not Gods; Jealousy and Envy; Exhortation to Martyrdom, to Fortunatus, Letters. | |
257-260 | Persecutions under Valerian; under a most strict persecution many notable Christians were executed including the Bishop of Carthage, Cyprian, and Pope Sixtus II. Persecutions under Valerian | |
258 | Acts of Cyprian describes his martyrdom, written by his deacon Pontius. | |
258 | Martyrdom of Cyprian at Carthage. | |
260 | Upon Valerian's death, Gallienus becomes sole emperor; he decrees the Edict of Toleration, bringing a second long peace; Sabellianism condemned. | |
260 | Valerian passes away and power is given to Gallineus who brought the second period of peace | |
c. 260 | Birth of Lactantius in Proconsular Africa; he becomes a disciple of Arnobius of Sicca and author of a major work on philosophy of history. | |
260's | Paul the Theban born; later would settle in eastern Egyptian desert; Jerome claimed Paul proceeded Anthony in the desert. | |
262 | Earthquake in Cyrenaica. | |
264 | Death of Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria. | |
264-282 | Maximus, patriarch of Alexandria | |
265-282 | Theognostus heads school of Alexandria after Dionysius, followed by Prierus, Achillas, and Peter of Alexandria before Theognostus elected patriarch (c. 300); the curriculum of Theognostus described later by Photius as moving from Father to Son to Spirit. | |
270 | Death of Plotinus. | |
270's | Anthony begins his ascetic life. | |
270-300 | Steady increase of Christianity in central Egypt and North Africa; intellectual attacks against Christian teaching are made by Porphyry, disciple of Plotinus. | |
276 | Death of Mani, whose disciples came to Africa before his death, requiring Christian response | |
c. 280 | Birth of Marius Victorinus. | |
282 | Death of Maximus, patriarch of Alexandria. | |
282-300 | Theonas is patriarch of Alexandria | |
284 | Year one of Coptic calendar, dating from beginning of Diocletian's reign, the era of the Martyrs. | |
285 | Hieracas of Leontopolis guides an ascetic community, writing expositions on Scripture. | |
285 | Anthony retreats into the Egyptian desert, beginnings of eremitic monasticism. | |
285 | Roman Empire partitioned by Diocletian into Western and Eastern empires. | |
285 | Roman empire is partitioned by Diocletian into Western and Eastern empires. | |
290's | Conversion of Arnobius of Sicca | |
c. 295-298 | Birth of Athanasius either in Alexandria or according to Dair Anba Maqar document, his parents came from al-Balyyana in Upper Egypt (see Bebawi); brought up in area of Oratory Theometor, built near the shore of Alexandria's Eunostos harbor by Bishop Theonas (282-300), which served as episcopal residence (now Franciscan fathers at Rue Karam). Athanasius became bishop of Alexandria (328-373). | |
297-299 | Revolt in Alexandria against Diocletian's taxation policies; repressive measures against the Christians; reinforcement of fort at Babylon in Old Cairo. | |
c. 298 | Marcellus, martyr centurion of Tingis in Mauretenia. |
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