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Meet The Team

Roberta Ahmanson
Roberta Green Ahmanson is a writer and explorer focused on discovering the role of religion, and the meaning of history and the arts. Fieldstead and Company.

Joel Elowsky
Professor of Historical Theology, Historical Theology, Director of the Center for the Study of Early Christian Texts, Historical Theology, at Concordia Seminary.

Steven Ferguson
Fieldstead and Company, Vice President, Director of Research and Grants

Michael Glerup
Executive Director of CEAC

Christopher Hall
President of Renovaré

Tal Oden III
Retired. Oil and Gas Consultant

Jaqcueline Rivers
Director of the Seymour Institute for Black Church and Policy Studies and lecturer at Harvard University

Tite Tienou
The Tite Tiénou Chair of Global Theology and World Christianity,Research Professor, Theology of Mission,
Dean Emeritus
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